Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I remember a time when the holidays meant time off from work and relaxing with family and friends. There seems to be a new trend emerging that is creating a culture filled with deadlines and stuff that we must do. Stopping to smell the roses or should I say cinnamon cookies, is not a bad thing. Time away with others that support our lower order needs (physiological, safety, and love/belonging) strengthens our foundation. Maslow in his theory of motivation discussed this very thing. Take the time to support these lower order needs so that the higher order needs of esteem and self actualization may be gained as well. Enter the New Year with a greater perspective, refreshed, and energized. 

As we prepare to say good bye to this past year, we need to ensure we have not forgotten the lessons learned and successes that blessed us. May your holiday be filled with family, friends, and loved ones. We at McPherson|Berry wanted to provide you a gift to use for the next year. Here is a wish on us…

What are some of your holiday wishes - we invite you to share your comments with us.

Happy Holidays.